Couch Tour Thread

The stream tonight is Reel to Real. I actually never watched that so I’m looking forward to it.

Lol that’s lame. I have seen it though.

There are some good nuggets, mostly with the Mirror transition drama, but overall what a terrible documentary. Could be edited down to a tight 30 and would it be much more engaging.

Who is this made for? For super fans that already know the band and the narrative? Well that doesn’t make sense because it offered no new information. The film provides a glimpse into their inter personal conflicts but pulls the plug before exploring it with any meaningful depth.

Is it for people unfamiliar with the band? Can’t be because there’s no context or enough background on the individuals to care about the musicians or their arc.

The old footage they have is amazing, I would love to see an actual filmmakers approach. There is a good story here, this could be a really good documentary for a general audience.

I understand it may be emotionally tough for the band — but then don’t try make a movie about your struggle from a surface level approach.

Also those iMovie title cards and Ken Burns photo pan are just embarrassing bad.

They’re awful.


Wrong thread.

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it’s the disney version of bittersweet motel than nobody needed or asked for.

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  • Joel’s piano playing was :fire: tonight
  • somebody get the man a secondary screen so he can see comments without ‘leaning in’ so hard

Man he could really use some tech support. Down to only 10% battery? You’re live streaming Joel, plug the thing in!

He’s just too old. Only way he can read it

Anyone else LOL at the divisions vocals?

Bayliss’ version of Cat Stevens’ Trouble is must hear if you like singer/songwritery stuff

direct link:

…and a great Late In The Evening on IG, speaking of Mr. Steve Gadd…

This Penns Peak show is awesome. Fantastic first set. Never listened to this one before.


it’s also making me miss Waful a lot

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Sucks for you.


i guess? were you not a fan?

Not many were. I loved Wafuls lights. I was thinking it was nice to see him again last night. But, I am loving Ben as well

Ohhh that moment where Kris loses a stick during Water at 39:30 and recovers without missing a beat!

Not a big fan of a pompous cancer trying to ruin my favorite things in life so yes, you could say that.

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