me bitch
He’s definitely not on the bort, he’d be on the bort and not head banging
Trying to post cat vibing gif but failing
bayliss going full emo with words IC in the black and BTL now
I do love BtL
song fuxs
This is not a shitty standardtown chitown show so far, imo
I got venmo or PayPal I’m not a wook
looks like tomorrow’s set 2 will open with jazz odyssey > end kitchen am i right fellas
Nah that was too cool last time they will close kitchen tonight
First set was alright. Better than average for a Chicago show, for sure Very emo themes as some others have said. Jake’s been very quiet tonight so the jams are patient, but at the same time they’re not quite taking off either. Kitchen kind of ran in place for a few minutes, but it was still an enjoyable few minutes. Intentions was the highlight. B+
number 1 umphreys reviewer nails the first set
lol i’m a fucking idiot and definitely read this wrong when i posted that gif
B+ seems like a high rating based on your feedback. Must be grading on a curve.
jam this out you fucking cowards
Exactly what i said, and now this is fuckin awesome
this sandwich was far from perfect (should not have aborted that 2nd HBB jam so quick, segue back into HBB a little bumpy), but still a lot of fun and enjoyed the Half Delayed jam
For real man! Milk that fucking jam out of Half Delayed!
Oh, and the 2nd HBB jam before Half Delayed? Yes, agreed too!