Cheese: the SCI thread

Cheese is a good time and I think they are playing pretty damn well right now.


Planning to see them next Thursday in KC. This is their first show in the area since 7/7/2006 when they co-billed with Ratdog.

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Pumped to hear this. I donā€™t listen to them much these days.

100% in for Baltimore. Wife and kids are out of town as well, so free to do what I want that day/night! Weā€™ll have to touch base @solvethebox @StoneJackBaller. Still TBD after, but may hit up Magerks in Fed Hill for Eagles game at 1 and then head over to Pier six. Weā€™ll see.

Iā€™m assuming itā€™s show at 4, not doors?

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I have no idea about any of this. Will probably buy a ticket day of and let my ā€œwifeā€ make the plans lol. Also, Iā€™ll be hungover from a wedding the night before. Gotta get started early lol

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Iā€™m in, too. Havenā€™t done any planning above marking it in my calendar!


Yeah same. I was likely in before, but now 100% with fam out of town. Iā€™m no rush on plans as itā€™s wide open


Seeing them next week here in OKC. As mentioned earlier, they havenā€™t been back here since 2002.

@WentzyMcGee @Zencer

They are streaming tonight, free on their Mixlr

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Some really nice stuff this weekend. I particularly liked N2 S2. The Rivertrance was fantastic. Been a while since Iā€™ve heard them do something new/refreshing with that tune. It was basically a 7-8 min intro jam to it.

Theyā€™re playing well. Iā€™m excited to get back home. 5 nights in Vegas is rough. Iā€™m old.


I was just looking at that second set on nugs and the track lengths + setlist looks very nice.

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Ending a second set with shantytown and Howard is top shelf cheese.

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I donā€™t want to listen because I want to go in partially blind on Saturday, but whatā€™s up with SCI? Are they like UM-adjacent? Phishy? What style of jam band?

Dubstep bluegrass


What in tarnation


Was going to go tonight but then had to take an impromptu business trip and just got home. No desire to do anything tonight besides watch tv on my couch. Thatā€™s getting old for ya.


Caught them last night in OKC. Good show. Hadnā€™t seen them since Rothbury, I think.

Itā€™s a bit of an exaggeration but they do mix in elements of bluegrass and dubstep into their music. Theyā€™re kinda all over the place. Just go, their shows are a ton of fun.


Sounds like itā€™s a good thing my ticket is paid for

Yah you wonā€™t have a bad time. But the best? Probs not.


You pretty much have to be trying to have worse than a decent time at SCI.