Concessions. It’s a long-ass song and it’s not awesome in its current form.
What if - and hear me out here, friends - what if they just straight up removed all of the heavy parts and left the reggae parts and the bliss jam > end. If would be much better, right? Can we agree on this? Easily cut 5 min from the song and make it much less of a slog.
Can we encourage the band to make some concessions and make Concessions better?
I enjoy all the parts of the song, the problem from a live setting is it’s just danceable until 15 minutes in. They could probably make 2 good originals out of it rather than eat up 25% of a set each play.
I like it too and think the band did a hood job putting the parts together but I’m more of a fan of Raw Stewage songs composed of two Stews vs 3 or more…makes it more concise.
Curious if you ever heard the source Stew from the September 07 Canopy Club Nemo? That was probably one of the top 10 lyrical Stews I’ve seen so I have a soft spot for it, I particularly love the ending of that jam but that’s not what they wanted out of the lego for Concessions…
I was so happy I was able to help pick Stews that were nominated…probably why I love pretty much all the Raw Stewage songs. Except Fly Like a Beagle…those Jake vox ruined perhaps one of my favorite Stews of all time and I like Jake songs more than most.
Unpopular opinion but I loved that Raw Stew tune from '16?, I think it was Downtrodden, that had the Jake vox that sounded a bit in the style of Bowie. Pretty sure everyone else hated that but that tune was cool as hell.
Lol, I actually meant Downtrodden in my post above yours. I think he was just a little too much, it would be acceptable if he toned down the vocal delivery a notch.
End of concessions is my fucking jam and I love it so much. Rest of the song is ok, but I skip to the end every time. I like the lyrics they added as well, cause you know I can relate to them haaaard.