All Things Metal

Nah chose The Mars Volta instead. That venue sucks ass. It’s downstairs and it’s like a long hallway towards the stage which is barely elevated. If you aren’t in the front, you can’t see anything

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How was it? Planning to see them in two weeks. Used to see them a lot, all pridgen shows tho.

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Best they’ve ever sounded as a band IMO. Playing mostly old stuff too


Deloused and Frances are top top albums. So nasty. I wish there were better recordings of their live shows

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Y’all heard of this band? Fuck.

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New material from Keith Buckley. Really digging this. The breakup of ETID was such a bummer but between this and Better Lovers, the silver living is that there are now TWO ETID-esque bands out there

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New In Flames is solid as hell

Wasn’t going to be able to catch any of the Tool dates so this rocks. Room is probably only like 250-300 cap so it should be rowdy.


Sick . I think I’ll try to go to this


Nice I’d buy tix today or tomorrow because it’ll sell out. Think they sold out Mid East Downstairs earlier this year which is double the cap

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I don’t see the date listed on the bands website yet and don’t see anything on the Middle East site yet unless I’m just not navigating it correctly.

Let me know when you see them avail

Purchased . Thanks fam \m

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Bring earplugs. Seriously. I’d fly out for this but I will be spending January 6 in quiet reflection in solidarity with wrongfully incarcerated patriots.


Definitely will.

Shout out to @bluish


I’ve been fucked even with earplugs. I think I may upgrade before this show tbh


You should try to also plug your @ass

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Just noticed the ticket says 6pm — hope there’s a couple openers . I won’t be able to get there that early

Doors at 6 show at 7. Swamphead is opening who are a pretty sweet Boston doom band. Show already sold out too

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