All Things 2011

11/2 Last Man Swerving is so sick.

Also the original Den Stew in BLBC, 2/11/11.

10/21 Ringo…amazing lyric Stew in this one

If you’ve never extensively listened to 2011 stuff you are in for one. You can pick basically any show that year and find a high quality jam

have you added stuff to the playlist since the original post? i still only see the first six tracks. methinks nugs is not updating for me.

No mention of 09/22 N2F - still the best version I’ve seen live by far.

Maybe I have to recreate a link each time?

The 7/2 Kabump after Steppin Razor is :fire:. Helluva 1-2 punch

Yeah they peak the ever loving shit out of that steppin razor multiple times. Jake and BB just go fucking ham on it. There is a good video of it on youtube. 2011 jams are just something else.

Interesting, I don’t even remember CWII from this show. I was going to say 6/3 August and Turn & Dub. I will have to revisit that CWII.

Give it a whirl. I like it better than the Turn & Dub

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The more I listen the more I miss this year. I would take the one YUGE jam formula again. Either later tonight or tomorrow am I’ll update playlist and troubleshoot why it’s still only showing original 6.

Updated playlist with yesterday’s list.

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It’s wild how patient and in-the-pocket they sound on so many of those extended 2011 jams.

I agree. You could pretty much pick any show at random and it’ll have at least one, big standout piece of improv. What a year.

3/11/11 - Intentions Clear

I love the atmospheric riff that Brendan lays down around the 10 minute mark. So simple but so effective. Some of the layered effects Joel mixes in in the last 4 or 5 minutes are just awesome. I love Jake’s use of the octave pedal throughout this jam too, which I believe was newish around this time. It seems like such a staple of his sound now but you can tell he’s having fun experimenting with it here.

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This is a good one too. That theme they get into at the end is No doubts hella good which turns into a four on the floor dance romp before Jake crushes the peak

I might have this but it is on my PC at my parents house. I’ll post if I find it.

I might have the danrad one somewhere too. I’ll look eventually…

This was hashed out so many times on like three iterations of the bort ago, but the way Jake used that octave pedal in 2011 was heavily debated at the time and a lot of folks were annoyed by it.

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I remember being annoyed by it towards the end of the year, but it has ages really well unlike some of Jake’s other to al choices (lookin at you EMGs)

To this day I’m still torn. Makes some jams fire when it’s totally locked into a dance groove, but there are also a lot of jams that end up sounding very same-y.