Love Make It Right. I was so fried at Peoria 2016 while my ex and I were on a break that the lyrics of Make It Right got me to reach out to her over the run and we got back together for the dozenth time when I returned to Oregon.
Unfortunately after the 100th time we split I asked her to get back together on 1800 mics of L which resulted in a you don’t have your life together right now response and the rest is history.
I wouldn’t wish a whole set of standards on anybody. Maybe if they did a special UM Bowl type show, make 2 sets out of an album, and a 3rd set of something else.
I was so pissed at the time. I saw 61 umphreys shows between 2008-2009 and I remember whining on the bort after I got home from 18 hour round trip drive for two nights in NYC from Detroit complaining I didn’t gitv for that long to get 1348 and Mantis repeats on a two nighter. It’s amazing what burning out on UM can do to your perspective!
Drooling at the dog selection so far. Reminds me of Uncle Wally (02-28-08) being one of the two jams that made Make It Right. (Other being FF from 2005 Eugene)
Not sure but I’d take a rock Haunt at this point. Haven’t seen the Haunt since Seattle 2014 and I was going to request it for my 250th but they literally played it the show before. Annoying but whatever.
IIRC, 2011 hauntlanta was first time in years (?) they had played OG Haunt? Now that you say that, I wanna say prior to hauntlanta they were all rock versions