2024/07/07 - Lincoln Hill Farms Canadaigua, NY

07/07/2024 - Lincoln Hill Farms -
Canadaigua, NY

Set I: Make It Right, Day Nurse > Uncle Wally, The Haunt > Kabump > Miami Virtue, Higgins

Set II: Miss Tinkle’s Overture. Small Strides, Similar Skin [1], Ocean Billy > Dance Hall Days [2] > Ocean Billy

E: Live and Let Die

[1] Binary Sunset (John Williams) tease
[2] Big Heart (The Lounge Lizards) tease


Love Make It Right. I was so fried at Peoria 2016 while my ex and I were on a break that the lyrics of Make It Right got me to reach out to her over the run and we got back together for the dozenth time when I returned to Oregon.



Unfortunately after the 100th time we split I asked her to get back together on 1800 mics of L which resulted in a you don’t have your life together right now response and the rest is history.


Guess the Anchor Drops theory is a nope


Could be second set. They dropped Mantis in the second set at the Nokia in NYC in 2009.

I wouldn’t wish a whole set of standards on anybody. Maybe if they did a special UM Bowl type show, make 2 sets out of an album, and a 3rd set of something else.

I was so pissed at the time. I saw 61 umphreys shows between 2008-2009 and I remember whining on the bort after I got home from 18 hour round trip drive for two nights in NYC from Detroit complaining I didn’t gitv for that long to get 1348 and Mantis repeats on a two nighter. It’s amazing what burning out on UM can do to your perspective!

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Drooling at the dog selection so far. Reminds me of Uncle Wally (02-28-08) being one of the two jams that made Make It Right. (Other being FF from 2005 Eugene)


Also a fan of make it right


I know The Haunt is rare, but how many times has the rock haunt been played?

Not sure but I’d take a rock Haunt at this point. Haven’t seen the Haunt since Seattle 2014 and I was going to request it for my 250th but they literally played it the show before. Annoying but whatever.

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I heard Rock Haunt and OG Haunt in the same year and in back to back months. Neat


Rock Haunt > Rock Fuzz

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1st set song selection looking so good

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Wally, Haunt, KaBump is absolute (. ) ( .)’s


Higgins is like the weakest song of the set and we don’t even know where the jams are yet so could potentially be JotS!

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For some period of time I think all they played was the rock version

IIRC, 2011 hauntlanta was first time in years (?) they had played OG Haunt? Now that you say that, I wanna say prior to hauntlanta they were all rock versions


Tinkles is a great set opener. Hope they did the album intro

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Link to stream or is there not one tonigrh