2023/02/02 - The Sylvee - Madison, WI

Yeah he was a main character. That show is like a soap opera for men but is interesting for its time. There’s a bunch of actors that went onto The Sopranos or The Wire.

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Two of my favorites (like any other guy) so definitely interested. Football ending is when I start to binge shows

Lot of jaking off in that jam

Clocking right below 5 mins on that Higgins. Didn’t rock the boat too hard but we were cruising.

Oz is dope. Rick Fox is in it too (played for the Lakers w/ Kobe and Shaq)


I liked Higgins but it was short.

Always funny to me seeing UM on normal sized/height stages. They’re going to look like giants tomorrow at First Ave.

I kinda wish nugs gave you the option to just stream audio for live streams.

Also terrible mad love placement

I love mad love so much time to turn on UM bye spafford


Not a big fan, when is ideal? Mid 2nd?

This is not inspiring me to stay awake for this


Song sucks


Preferably never


Mad Love is awful


BB just crams too many words into this song

This seems as good a spot as any if they’re gonna play it. Go ahead and get it out of the way early

Best mad love ever, they reworked it.


Oh right this is streaming nvm

Audio still plays for me when Nugs runs as a background app. That way I can dash bort and listen and bike.

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Good, get some Raw Stewage out of your system before Minny…

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