2022/11/11 - UMBowl IX - The Riviera Theater - Chicago, IL

Couldn’t shut up about them in the moment - haha

Fr fr though I hope those stay

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Cool video. Wonder if Joel’s change to keyboard world was just for umbowl or if it’ll be that way going forward.

Set 1= pure :fire:, 2nd jam in DBK ftw 14:00-18:00, 2x2 starts to pick up around 8:30

Set 2 = get rid of s2 by fans.
Sharknado= Jaws theme with some other sounds
Boogie Nights= Pretty fun disco jam
Falsetto Bayliss= Could do without it
Umphreys on Infected mushrooms= Basically an extended 1348 intro
Gospel McGee= It’s been done, same thing as “Take Me to Church” from past Chicago Umbowl
666 McGee= Reminds me of Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath
Umphreys at the green mill= Jazz
Ryan reads Poetry= Whoever texted this in, do everyone a favor and slap yourself. Thankfully he just read Front Porch.
Egyptian Square Dancing= Take their own advice on this one and “don’t do it”
Darth Vader invades Jamaica= It’s terrible mon
Country Jake= The worst kind of Umphreys
Moog Madness= Would rather have this be the theme for the entire set
Robots in Space= Favorite segment of the set, additionally I always thought robots were in space :thinking:
Punk Glory= Cool idea, having said that I prefer the Digital Tape Machine rendition of Glory
Umbowl Techno Viking= Would be better without the Immigrant Song teases

Set 3= Finished the album, we already knew what’s in store.

Encore= Ordinary Times without a jam- need time to figure out if I like this tune or not
46 & 2- cool visuals on the screen, personally prefer Myers singing


Dig the S2 notes. Also good running into you!

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Yeah man good memory, that was awesome and you reminded me that this board still exists or maybe re-invented itself I dunno but it’s back


What up Kevin. Good running into you breifly at the STL DUMB show this summer. Hope all is well.


Hopefully no one ever has to give S2 notes for an UMBowl ever again


Imagine if they would’ve came out and played a 55 minute In Violation of Yes instead of that S2 set…


You have a stellar imagination


Finally got around to the DBK. That second jam is sick. Wish it was way longer


It pains me to remember s2 won out over an improv set…fuck v4j, you see what you get with an s2?!?

To be fair though one of my favorite UM moments ever was getting my 007 request fulfilled during the quarantine s2


S2 over improv set is one of the most disappointing things ever (in UM world)! S2s suck! No relisten value and it’s a novelty. One time is cool I guess, but I’d take a Cover set or just about any kind of set over it. Improv set lost to this :see_no_evil: