2022/03/26 - Eldborg Concert Hall - Reykjavik, Iceland


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This Mantis absolutely smokes. I have only listened to this and the OB but this Mantis has to be JOTR. It almost feels like the last section was ripe for a Bayliss lyrical or a Final Word. Wife Soup is one of my favorite standard songs so this segment is perfect for me.

Mantis is by far their best jam vehicle



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One song I’m hoping for at every show. They could play all 3 nights of a run and I’m cool with it

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Damn not kidding about this Mantis. :fire:

Could have used another bounce back to the groove before or instead of the sadboi ending but great jam overall. I need more of this Umphreys please

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Here’s a video of The Pequod I filmed last week. I have a few more I may upload too if anyone is interested.