2022/02/11 - House of Blues - Boston, MA

2022/02/11 - House of Blues - Boston, MA

Set 1: You Got The Wrong Guy > Wife Soup, The Silent Type, Looks, Higgins, Ringo, Mantis > Cult of Personality

Set 2: Nothing Too Fancy > Educated Guess > Nothing Too Fancy, Attachments > Day Nurse > Mantis

Encore: Jajunk

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Setlist is from Twitter and segues are a guess.

The bad news is based on tweet times looks like first set Mantis does not have a jam.

The good news based on tweet times is…2nd set looks great! 16 minute first half of N2F, 9 minute reprise, 21 minute Attachments.

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Yeah those track times aren’t accurate unfortunately. Mantis no jam > cover. Fancy reprise was more like 6-7 and attachments 7-8

Was there any improv that stood out tonight? I skimmed through last night and there was some good stuff in there at a quick listen…

I thought the fancy reprise was alright and attachments probably best jam of the night. It needed a peak though. Think I prefer New Haven over Boston N1

This is great on paper. By song choice

Second looks very nice (borat voice)

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19 min Fancy
10 min Fancy reprise
15 min Attachment
14 min Day Nurse

Solid second set times. Just started the fancy

Day Nurse was drums’d :roll_eyes:. Thought the N2F Reprise was the best of this group. I’m usually a sucker for Jamtachments, but this one was just ok.

Last run SO much better than this one so far.

Tonight’s gonna be the heater because I’m skipping it and have huge FOMO :sob:

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I would have had lots of fun during this 2nd set. This Fancy reprise is the best one they’ve done in years. Good to see them really digging in and being patient with one. The Attachments theme is a nice followup to it as well, even if they do bail on that a little early.

This 1st set isn’t really my thing, but it’s more a product of bad setlist writing than bad playing. Let’s see, they put Higgins, Ringo, and Mantis back to back in the setlist. Even assuming Mantis is left open, yet jammed, if those songs all go well, you’re looking at 45-50 min there. Yet they were songs 4-5-6 in the set, after two other songs with jams and a 10-minute standard tune in Wife Soup. Just no time. So everything was really rushed this set, but as far as type-1-race-to-the-peak jams go, all of these are above average. 2nd Ringo jam was probably the one most hurt by not having enough time.

Average to slightly above average show overall. Still no bad shows in 2022 :slight_smile:

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Def dig this Fancy and reprise