2022/01/29- The Fillmore - Detroit, MI

Setlist looks fun!


Ya def up my alley

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@iamkickinit how is the weed high??

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Sears Tower. Easy


Get outta here with that positivity PP!


This show looks like a lot of fun. Sure wish I could be there. Hope everyone is enjoying it!

Thanks for taking the reins on set list duty, Steve.

When was the last Tinkle’s-> Mulche’s? Would be cool to see that combo resurface someday. I feel like the last one I saw was 8-31-2007.


Love The Bottom Half. Such a great UM song and very encapsulating of their vibe at its finest


Thanks man! Two non-drunk shows in a row. Feels great to actually be able to pay attention.

Tonight was fun. S1 jams were great. Really loved the Speak Up. Jake was playing with something on his pedal board. Great stuff. S2 has been weaker but still fun. MP was a treat.


Gotta be one of the more obscure shows I’ve seen.


Really enjoyed the weekend. Nothing overly mind blowing but there was also very little moments that felt forced or awkward. They displayed a lot of patience in their improv, and the song selection was honestly top notch. I usually walk away wishing they didn’t play a handful of songs but never felt that way over the past two nights.

Nice to run into @iamkickinit and @Andrusy. Solid two shows that left me feeling nice and refreshed


Interesting setlist. Especially for a Saturday show.

There was a pretty solid Tinkles > Mulche’s from Boise 2011. The Tinkle’s in particular is one of my favorite versions of the song.

I listened to the Wormbog through end of first set this morning and enjoyed it. They sounded good. Hadn’t listened to any UM in while, Kris and Joel in particular stood out.

I love Wormbog. Such a great tune.

Some cool photos here too although I don’t know how I feel about that projection. Someone posted a video on Facebook and didn’t love it.

What’s the need for all that projecting onto background? Seems dumb

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I agree. It looks worse live/on video too.

Really? I enjoyed the projection live. It was a welcome change from seizure inducing shit that I’m used to with Umphreys. It wasn’t used a lot. Thought it worked when they did use it.



Word you guys were there and I respect your UM opinions. I just watched a shitty Facebook video of that zonkey song and wasn’t too impressed.

Good to hear it was better live.

This Domino is pretty good. Wish they kept it going longer, but duh