2021/12/05 - Now Sapphire Riviera Cancun — Puerto Morelos, Mexico

a motherfucker in the dorm freshman year of college would play crazy train first thing in the morning upon waking up. so it would be blasted at least 1x/day, but often times we were treated to bonus plays. his roommate went mental


My mom had this as her ringtone for years because she’s hard of hearing and it was the loudest tone she could find. When I hear the song I think of her haha

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Milk jam among the best jams I’ve heard from them all year. Shits fire. This show is pretty tight. I like it.


Great show! Milk and Mantis both bring it in completely different ways. I consider the “Crazy Train” in this Milk jam to be more of a 1-minute break a la Billie Jean in Knoxville 2019 Robot World that really doesn’t negatively affect anything else they did at all, it’s just a bonus. Even the drawn out segue into Day Nurse is fun.

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Agreed, but wouldn’t call it a “bonus”! GD I love that Robot

This Mantis was quite good, imo.


I think the beginning of the 2nd set is really solid. The Silent Type>Wappy>Mantis :ok_hand: