… just pay for shipping. Didn’t want to donate them and figured I’d try here if anyone wanted them. Lightly worn, washed and yours for free!!
Love the bottom one but I’d be swimming in it
That’s a shame. Was hoping for a little stank on it.
Love it too but the day I admitted to myself that I was a 2XL guy was a very comfortable day.
do you have any tshirts with jajunk lyrics on them?
Nope, still ISO
Same bruh. Been life changing but also, I don’t want to admit I am a fat fuck now. Glad I’m not the only one!
I can wear them to the driving range if you’d like… mid day, high 90s… your call babygurl.
I still need help accepting this
3X hurts. Havent been there in awhile though. I do have a 3X UM shirt if anyone wants it though lol
I’ll take em if nobody has claimed!
You’re the first my guy!! DM your address and I’ll get em out next week
Fits like a glove! Thanks @PEN1S_ISLAND
Make sure to not post your face.
But seriously, thats my fav shirt. Ive had 3 of them since high school. The 2nd one got the most wear and is now tattered and almost completely falling apart. Big holes in the front and back and the collar is seperating. Its hanging in my closet, didnt have the heart to throw it away.
My 3rd one is brand new. I never wear it.
what a great BIRTHDAY present
It’s like I knew what I was doing.
You’re welcome Max!! @WhoDatVols
we could all take some tips from you
On my third as well. Hoping to get some miles out of this one.
Pretty much only have one real big one
Don’t be an asshole.