UMBowl 2020

Goddamn, Between the Sheets? Smooooth as fuck.

Out with a bit of a whimper though.

That was a perfect ending. I loved it.

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Weird encore but otherwise amazing show. What a run


Doom Flamingo just covered Mad World and it was the jam of the weekend


my friends both suggested the evil ambiance and the keyboard jam :slight_smile:

this show was a lot of fun. enjoyed ringo and all in time.


I miss umbowl


I just read through this thread and have seemingly come to the conclusion that UM can actually still jam longer than 5 minutes? Are the boys back?


That was some high quality Umphrey’s. Gave me the warm and fuzzies like they used to. Great weekend


Can confirm boys were back this weekend.


Can’t decide if it makes me cringe or if I respect the hustle that he only exclusively wears his own merch on stage now

They should never cover 1979 again.


Looks like I missed out. Oh well


If they do this again next year, I’d like to make it. Seems like a foolproof way to see good UM

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Might reup Nugs just to hear these shows, if dashbort says UM is good again who am i to not groupthink. On paper both look great

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It’d probably be fine if Baylord sang it. The instrumental was good.

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Yeah that was brutal. Reminded me of the E Pro they did recently which was half assed. It certainly seemed like Kris learned the song 10 mins before the set and Jake really didn’t know what he was doing either. I’m a diehard SP fan so I still loved it but it was rough.

First song I’ve really heard Kris botch on vocals. There’s also that echoing “yeah” in the studio version which Kris attempted but it didn’t translate at all. SP still has it when they play it live but that’s not surprising. Personally, I feel like that part of the song is pretty pivotal to it sounding complete.

Yeah I’m pretty sure SP uses a sample which I’m sure he could’ve programmed on his e drum if they put in any real prep on that cover. It’s funny to see them botch that and then absolutely nail Senor Mouse