The Dear Hunter (Casey Crescenzo Thread)

Act I live album out today. Also migrant has been re-recorded. I didnt like thrice doing that for AITA and im not a huge fan of TDH doing it either. Guess i’ll give it a shot when it comes out.

Top two posters in here is no surprise


Major spoilers for the next album on the instagram stories right now.

  1. Sounds sick

Holy shit i always thought anitmai ended strange.

I was going through a phase.


They’re talking about the next album and I’m still waiting on my antimai vinyl preorder to ship…smh


I don’t think they will ever outdo themselves when they released “The Color Spectrum” as far as a single piece of music.


It has shipped by now i’d assume? At least according to the socials?

And according to their emails it should have shipped, but no tracking number, no package arrived, all because of some stupid action figure I didn’t want…but I wanted that shirt as much as the vinyl

Antimai is better in 2024 than it was on release.

Do I need to listen to it again?

Possibly? Style changes tend to sit better with time if you didn’t like it originally. I listened to act V recently and the moved on to antimai and found myself rating antimai very highly.

Ring 1 has got to be the proggiest song they have ever written

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I’ll throw it on again for a 2nd listen. I have been revisiting tDH’s older offerings after burning out on them during the pandemic.

Finally got my antimai preorder bundle after following some advice I saw on the subreddit.

Side D, which has no music has a cool design (kinda hard to see in a pic)

Also anyone wanna buy the action figure? I just wanted the vinyl and shirt

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