Love the sound of this. I like that there’s a little more groove to it
Yeah I’ve already listened twice. It’s different but as to be expected. Hope they recorded a few more
Welp. Fuck you guys
Ugh thanks for the @ but I can’t buy any more vinyl right now
Squeaky feet charging KB prices for their shows last week wiped me out
I’d go for the 2000s look with a hXc hoodie and gym shorts over this. And those Castro hats too. Those were the rage.
Optional: bandana over the mouth
For the Covid cautious bro.
fuck you dad
Botch needs to stop teasing us
Oh hell yeah, Dave’s brother is in Helms Alee.
Bass player is also in Russian Circles. Would love to make it out to this. I doubt this means a tour is happening but I can dream
Oh shit, I totally forgot this was Brian Cook’s first band.
It has to happen. But where’s that Saetia tour too @Whinergetsnothing
Ahhh man, I saw BYD with most precious blood and remembering never and I think Acasia strain too. That shit was fucking ROWDY.