Monkeys On Ecstasy - The moe. thread

Not sure why they’re playing under monkeys on ecstasy here. I thought that would just be something they did to get around venue contracts/scheduling issues but they aren’t playing Denver anywhere else around then outside of a free show in Dillon a few weeks before. I know it’s rare for them to play under that but I don’t remember the shows being anything really different other than they’re typically great shows.

They just announced 2 nights at the mish, hence the monkey show on Thursday.


Ooooooo missed that. Makes sense

Kzoo on Sunday with Donato! Stoked, haven’t seen moe in probably 5 years or so.


Yup, moe is still awesome.


Watching the Denver stream currently. Haven’t seen moe. since they got the keyboard player. Digging it!


The Farmer Ben → head right there was most excellent.


That was fun!

This a Percy Hill song?

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I think it was?

1 set closer is a perfect spot for PC, too.

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That second set was :fire:.

For those that didn’t watch the ??? was Low Spark → Rec Chem → Tailspin → some song I didn’t recognize → back to meat.


Gotta ask. What’s Moe. doing when they bust out Monkeys On Ecstacy? Is it more techno like Tractorbeam?

I think it’s just something they use to add more dates within a radius clause they have under the name moe. but I could be wrong.


This, they do tend to be jammier sets too.

monkey’s on ecstacy shows were originally to keep a low profile and be able to book smaller clubs, but the radius clause workaround is another reason.

my first moe. show

1/23/97 Theater of the Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA

1: Timmy Tucker, She Sends Me, It, Don’t Fuck With Flo, Meat

2: Buster, St. Augustine, Brain Tuba, Moth#, Stranger Than Fiction, Nebraska, Magic Hat, 32 Things, Awesome Gary, Head**, Queen Of The Rodeo, Spine Of A Dog, Time Again

E: lylelovit., Rebubula##

With “Californ IA” tease. *With “Yodelittle” tease. ## With “Linus and Lucy” tease.

was two days after the first monkeys show

1/21/97 Wetlands Preserve - New York City, NY

Surprise show under the name Monkeys On Ecstasy

Hellborg, Lane, Sipe opened

Head#, Stranger Than Fiction, Timmy Tucker, 32 Things, lylelovit., St. Augustine, Brain Tuba#, Mexico, Nebraska, That Coffee Tune, Seat Of My Pants, Meat**, Magic Hat#, Spaz Medicine, Sensory Deprivation Bank

E: Queen Of The Rodeo, Moth > Awesome Gary

First time played. ** With “Eye Of The Tiger” (Stryper) and “Awesome Gary” teases.*

the song you didn’t recognize was “Ups and Downs” which was released on Rob’s solo album “Songs for Other People” which was recorded in 2021.

moe. has yet to play any actual Percy Hill songs, which honestly you can’t really do a percy hill tune without joe farrell, imo. any songs that nate has brought to the table has come from other groups of his like ghosts of jupitor or the nate wilson group.


Didn’t know Rob put out a solo album, gonna have to check that out. Was really into moe. from 03ish to 2011, but then fell off and didn’t really listen at all until recently.

Also of note, the Farmer Ben last night contained teases of Dr. Graffenberg, Long Island Girls Rule, and Don’t Fuck w/ Flo.

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They haven’t played Dr. G since 2016 which is pretty crazy. They “retired” it at the Portland show that year, some pretty funny banter from Rob before the song talking about how it’s the last time they were ever going to play it.

yelled fuck loudly when I heard the tease thinking they were going to drop into it (didn’t know they had retired it). Waited too long for tickets to last night and got shut out, and Dr. G is THE song I’ve been chasing of theirs after 75+ shows.

my favorite dr. graffenburg that i’ve seen was from 5/9/97.

Dr. Graffenberg > Rebubula > Yodelittle > Rebubula

extended rhapsody in blue tease between dr.g and reb