Hall of Fame gone from Spotify

I couldnt even tell you the last time I listened to UM on spotify. Or a HOF album for that matter.

First Sq Ft and now UM

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Guys. I just bought HoF 2011 as an NFT. Itā€™s only mine now.


They were available until pretty recently. I remember I came across them on the umphreys.com site not too long ago and was surprised they were still there.


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Iā€™m afraid to click that link

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It wouldnā€™t be a political/business thing would it?

Their HoF albums are generally pretty good bub

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Yeah, Iā€™m familiar lol

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Thanks, for some reason I get an error trying to access any of the podcastsā€¦whatever.

Dude this is like the second link Umphrey's McGee Podcast Archive's

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As the only true hall of famerā€¦ Patrick Mahomes has cancelled umphreys

Did HoF 2021 ever get a digital release? They released the vinyl but I donā€™t remember the full ā€œalbumā€ ever being announced?

And I double checked nugs to make sure I wasnā€™t crazy and they donā€™t have it either.

Nope. And as much as Iā€™d love to see one, was 2021 really a HOF worthy year?

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So the new 2021 HOF is on Spotify, along with 2010. Make this shit make senseā€¦


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Whatā€™s missing from this ā€˜21 release? Is there a discussion about that elsewhere? Do we even care at this point? I was butt hurt not to see 5/15 3x on there. The last 5 mins of that version is fucking beautiful. Maybe it was composed.

Also 5/1 Puppet String, 12/6 Sweetness, and 8/15/19 Plunger.


Red rocks mantis is a glaring omission IMO


They took too long and I just donā€™t care now. I canā€™t even remember the highlights from last year, let alone two years ago.