General shit talking (Part 2)

That last track was tight

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I’m getting kinda fucking sleepy and the volume on this shit is low. Need to get this going

Lol I cant hear shit

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Where the hell are they

Turned it off. Lmk when they’re on

Vibe to this in the meantime


They were streaming UM and fell asleep


UM was good tonight tho!

Hour late. Clsssic bisco. Hiatus incoming


They on now homie

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I like this, very Egyptian

Aint no pyramids getting built today

I’m okay with that

:alien: :rocket: :alien:

Liking the Magner work here

Catch a fever!


This show sucks

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I dipped

We’re so back

Babz is shitfaced. Forgot how to sing and play guitar

Yeah it was kind of meh hope 2nd set is better