General shit talking (Part 1)

And one of those songs being a brand new original. Nuts

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With the Basis sandwich. Gimme all your fuckin doses

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TB show definitely doesn’t have as much replay value as Boulder TB.

I’m loving Better in Doses. Has a FWE feel to it for some reason

Tbh the boulder tbm set doesn’t have a ton of replay value to me. Tbm in its current form is something I want to experience live with a bunch of mawl but that’s about it.


1st set from last night rocks

On relisten this isnt true

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I felt pretty confident that the show was a certified heater

Awful travel day. 5 hours in car > cleveland airport > oversold st louis flight so they sent me to nashville. Finally ready to catch a flight from nashville to st louis now

So ready to sleep


On relisten, youre right. Great show. Still salty about the sample ruining the cyclone jam and the dub jam. Other than that…fire.

I can handle one or two dub jams per run

Houston Doorbell is top-5 jam of the year for me

Also, screaming BABY-OOOOOOO at a show hits so hard. Couldnt stop singing it the rest of the weekend


I think dub jams can be either super psychedelic or boring as all get out.

Just fyi tbh


Not a fan of dub jams

Yeehaw, least they were still taping, I thought I saw cameras set-up on stage & @ FOH.


Bingo bango bongo!!

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What a pleasant surprise. Looks like wookin on a Monday night is back on the menu

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Tbeam set is definitely pretty weak/sloppy. Watching it tho, seems like theyve had multiple sound issues so im sure that doesnt help.

Fuckin love seein magner puffin doobs during this though lol

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the seattle>alaska bisco cruise sounds like a wild time


I’m going on it.


Yeah I would absolutely love to do that. But we’re planning to go do our Mediterranean trip around that time.

Cruise sounds amazing.

Anyone going down to the AC show later on this week?

Im ready fir bosco at the mission NYE