@Stupac doing the lord’s work
No Recollection - > Dino Baby holds up pretty damn well. Great peak from Babz in the No Recollection and was a lot of fun to catch my first Dino Baby. Song rules live and the jam and segue into it were above average for a 2:30am festival set
Rest of the set is pretty forgettable and what you would expect from a 2:30am festival set
Apparently this is the “finished” version of Dino Baby
Grabbed a pair for Thalia Hall N1! Wish we could swing both, but that’s a busy weekend. Pumped that we can hit Thurs though, for sure!
I need some time to get my money right, do these shows have any chance of selling out?
Only 800 capacity. It should sell out.
Thanks for the heads up I’ll buy my tix asap
@timewilltell and I will see ya’ll in Chi
Now I absolutely must go
Both nights in Chicago are going to be fun.
@thefussyasianman skip whatever plans you have and come party with us.
Can I split a hotel room with you guys ?
Family cabin weekend unfortunately. But I’m going to double check the dates because I want to party with you and @wiscomtonslacker like UM Bowl in 2022.
If I end up coming Friday I’ll split a room for sure
We dialed in on the lodging right away, brother, otherwise we might have looked for a bigger palace
Please JoJo - we miss you (also maybe just a hair short of UMBowl 2022 but we will tow that line)
I actually might only be hitting Thursday now. Let’s meet up!
No worries man I’ll figure something out. Don’t think I’ll be able to swing both nights, but hopefully Friday night.
Haven’t listened to this in a minute and never did get a chance to see them.
Saw Conspirator a few times and always had a good time. Feel like they got a lot of unwarranted hate from the B4L crowd.
Biscuits should play Park Ave more