Check out my band, Squeaky Feet! (Part 2 Much Feet)

Yea i am excited. Been dying to see them


Fuck that damn Biscoland neighbor

SFs goes from prime sunset slot to 3:45

Biscuits can only play until 11 now and they had to get rid of late-nights

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Wait for real? Had to chop nearly 2 hours off and no late nights is lame af. Sorry dude, hopefully they fucking rage for y’all.

Yea it has to be a nightmare behind the scenes

Where are you seeing these updates out of curiosity?

Friends who are tight with organization. No official update yet

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Ahh I gotcha, glad they didn’t cancel the late night acts at least but that is a bummer. Will be nice to have the RV for late night hangs! You’ll still have a blast

Yea only things i really care about is SF getting the shaft and the first set of the Biscuits being in the sunlight Friday-Saturday. Also not excited about having to rush to make the Kitchen Dwellers set, but hopefully make it

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Damn that sucks

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Yeah - totally sucks. They were poised for a huge sunset set.

But - they’ll still rock and with any luck will be back next year with a primo slot


Yea, probably cuts their crowd significantly. Still excited, but music ending at 11pm at a tDB Festival should be a crime


SF doesnt even need Biscoland for exposure. They’ve got the dash bort and Germany.


I hope everybody finds a way to shit in this dude’s yard.

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The best part is they let music go till midnight during the Papadosio festival two-weeks ago and that wasnt a holiday weekend. The fireworks that are going to be going off everywhere all weekend is going to be louder than some bass rubles in the distance

This is the owners fault though. Dudes bought this property and spent all this money fixing it up and somehow never bothered to learn the city laws. Sounds like the rules changed this year, but still. They should have been proactive with working with the city/neighbor to work out a deal instead of ignoring it until they had enough complaints that city had to force their hand


@cshore How are you feeling about all this?

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Probably happy since that’s all the sooner he can be back in his Ghost Bed


That ruled. This festival seems like it has no actual rules too


Can’t wait to listen

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Miss you @cshore