Check out my band, Squeaky Feet! (Part 1)

Unfortunately I’m going to be in Atlanta that weekend :disappointed:

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Yeah. Should be a safe thing. Also we’re going to demolish the absolute fuck out of the place. I have so much pent up aggression and the band is sounding nuts right now

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Sad part is I don’t even know if I have friends to go to this with, so not sure the whole purchasing a half/whole table thing will work for me. Definitely wanna see you guys though. If I can’t make this one happen, will most certainly make it to the fist non-covid show.

@chicagostylehotdog you wanna split a table dawg?

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@gatroe @opsopcopolis buy a 4 table with @James and unload your 2 table to somebody else


Alternatively, I know there are some other people in the same position as you, I can put you in touch as I hear about them. If you’d like. The table breakdown thing sucks but it’s the only way they can make it work under the guidelines apparently

Me and the “wife” are in. Is your lady still going to be in town by then?

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This is beautiful come with your “wifes” and watch me angrily jam about how I’m hopelessly alone. Afterwards we can hit the town and get some poppyseed buns {gs} and talk about spreadsheets


I’m just hoping for a wife soup cover

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I can absolutely promise you no umphreys covers literally forever


Unfortunately not. She’s been here for a month but leaving Thursday. I’ll see if I can get a homie to commit and ill get back to you.

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If you guys buy the 4 table with 3 people I can very likely get somebody to chip in

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But you already taught the band how to play 13 Days, that’s pretty much your song dude.

i’ll throw in for the fourth so you guys get a 4-top for 3 peeps

Don’t be a cheap @ass. Splurge so we can sit 3 at a 6-top.


I’ll take that 4th spot if it’s not taken yet


Ugh buy the 6 table please lol we’re so stressed about trying to sell that aaaay

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@chicagostylehotdog @James

I’m down to get a 6er


I already pulled the trigger on the 4 with @James. He’s working on filling that last seat

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I love u all either way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::woozy_face:

Damn alright, well let me know if he’s not able to find someone