That’s lame af
I feel like I’m about to see a community production of Annie.
We’re in a high school auditorium.
Bet you get a heater tbh
Sounds like it’s a hard knock life
Hahahha for real?
This was the front door. Seemed like most people used some other door though. There were 3 entrances.
Sippy cup of Red Bull. Everything had a lid. You couldn’t bring drinks into bathroom so there were tables outside the door with a person making sure you didn’t bring them in
What an odd choice. Well, still pumped they’re playing the riverside and not a highschool here in wisco
I liked it! Thought the sound was good. There was a little baby pit up front but we had a good spot so hung there/the aisle. It was funny going from casino to that
I was cheezing pretty hard in South Dakota when I pulled up to a mall. Venus was actually decent but I laughed for sure
Come to Riverside show.
I’m trying to convince Becca to do sb>mke as well. Peer pressure @hbbubblebath
I was highly considering it but then umbowl got announced. Can only do 1 does seem like sb > Milwaukee will be a big ol party though
Peer pressure!
Very important part of the weekend. Our Airbnb aka grandpas house had a backgammon table!!! Post show backgammon comp was a first
I disgraced my family with how bad I played.
Cap RC?