2025/01/30 - Starland Ballroom - Sayreville, NJ

Is that Ilya Stemkovsky I see notated as sit in?

For those of you who haven’t heard the Ilya sit-in on Fancy (25 min track) from 2/7/04, y’all need to listen to that shit asap. i’m serious. sick when bayliss yells “doomhammer” - haha

This is a top 20 of all time umphreys show…


So many hats, but not a single yarmulke.

Ilya on Sludge & Death vox is top tier, 4/12/07

True death metal UM


First live UM I ever heard.


Did they realize their new songs suck


Fuckin hope so!

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Same as it ever was, they take 70% of the songs from the album that translate well enough to their standards into the live setting and keep them in regular rotation.

Made the cut: IDKWIW, Small Strides, Always October, Fenced In, New Wings, Hiccup, Pure Saturation, INYF, Escape Goat

Played a few times but not in awhile: Dayville Monarchy, So Much, Ordinary Times, Work Sauce

Never Played: How About Now


Fairly tongue in cheek. I do enjoy a handful of the new songs. But surprised to see them not play any from their newest album

How About Now would work well at an acoustic show but that’s about it. Work Sauce is one of my favorites, want to catch it one day but I know it took them forever to debut it because it is hard to play live for them and after 4 performances it seems to have been put on the shelf. Bummer.

this is a good Kabump

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What year is it

2nd Reso jam is good


this Uncommon is one of the heavier jams in a minute

another really bad track job on nugs, though.


Yeah, been listening to this show today. The Reso has some great moments and is definitely a highlight.

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Okay. So Stasik posted a video saying they were listening to music with Ilya prior to the show, and one of the bands was the Minutemen, one of my all time favorite bands.

The opening progression of “Storm in My House” seems to have influenced the riff Jake is playing in this Uncommon jam.

And then, the bass/synth line at the second part of the jam towards the end (6:18) to be exact, reminds me of the jam from FF on 04/27/2017.


Alright this uncommon is rad

Great post, will check this out later. Love that album / that band. RIP D Boon

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Cover jam or no, this Uncommon really does it for me. For people who like heavy UM, this is a must-listen.

The second half of Resolution really goes places as well.