?? Say what now?
Check the anxiety thread
Messaged you
Was caught up in the recent run I missed this news. Devastating. Fuck. I see why you mentioned crooked getting played now. @UMFree was all class. A+ human. You will be missed.
Just finishing my first relisten of this one after streaming last night. Really dig the synth work Joel is doing in the Staircase jam. That was the highlight of the show imo.
I appreciate they jam it. Can’t stand this song in the slightest. My least favorite UM tune to ever be in regular rotation. It’s so cringe that even when the jam is top shelf it takes me time to feel it.
Really? The same band that plays no diablo and whistle kids and staircase is the worst?
I actually like the studio version and even the chorus rocks live. Its just Brendan’s vocals are rough for most of it that sorta takes me out of it. But it’s a good breather for a band that insists on playing a billion notes all the time.
That’s why I mention songs in regular rotation. Whistle kids was never in regular rotation. And yes, I’d rather listen to no Diablo studio than staircase.
No diablo >>>>>> staircase >> Little Gift
I’m so with you on this. Not my least favorite but very very low on the list. Also, shocked so many people like it
Get out, and take the stairs. Don’t forget the key.
Slams door
i mostly just dislike bayliss trying to sing falsetto. it almost never works and it seems to be in everything he writes lately.
I gotta agree. As soon as staircase started at Salt Shed I immediately went to the bathroom
Staircase might be bad, but it ain’t no Hiccup. Now… those are some vocals that make a screwdriver in my ear sound good.
Are those the lyrics? I have no idea except I WANNAAAAAAA BEELIEVVEEEEE which sounds like a 12 year old crackly voice when he sings it. Too many words in the song. When it first came out it just reminded me of a failed terrible 90s dad rock song or something
Woah woah woah I love hiccup! That and escape goat are my favs from that album
I am with @hbbubblebath on hiccup. That is a really fun tune.
Fancy, Tinkles and triple wide have the right amount of lyrics for bb
Musically yes, vocally no. Which, is the case for more songs than i wish to admit. I know i know, drug bands aren’t meant for their singing.
Team hiccup here. Love the police vibes.