Well done. Bravo.
That was fun. Gonna couch tour again tomorrow. Hoping they pull out that crooked one.
That was awesome. Gona tune into the biscuits for a min while i pregame for theivery corp at the brooklyn bowl tonight.
Definitely an enjoyable show
Love this
My first phone
I had a Nokia Brick
Oh wow sublime too
10000% agree
I wish. Didn’t they just play it?!
I fuckin made that shirt! (I have never worn tie dye until tonight. No bullshit.)
Had a great time! 2x2 and Fir were my highlights. Catch y’all tomorrow
Nice meeting you @hbbubblebath thanks for taking a pic of the boys
@LarrySellers guess what I’m wearing
Glad UM was good. King Gizz slayed.
Hell yeah stoked to hear that! Was veryyyyyy close to going gonna peep the setlist now
Sucks I had to work. Especially after seeing them come in to Burial earlier. Said whats up to Ambrose though. One of my friends said she got a $20 ticket a few hours before the show
Gotta be some awful bears jersey #sad
Rewatching this New Wings right now and it holds up. Love the Escort teases.
Is that the boogeyman?