2024/06/22 - Summerfest Milwaukee, WI

Jajunk cut after 3X.

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Hung out with some old high school homies and @Zencer. Was up until about 4. Slept til 12:45 at my parents. Heading home to Madison soonish


Fu-Gee-La with Kanika and Little Stranger is great. Another reason I love UM, pulling off this cover.

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Did you go to Eric’s? Or somewhere else?

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Love what Joel does in this bad Friday

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Yeah, went over there to party for a bit. I tried to find you guys after show, but coulda find ya. It was nice to hang!

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I hope they continue to play videos during some of the jams, that really elevated the show for me

They didn’t use that screen at any of the other shows at the run, so I wonder if it was just summerfest infrastructure

Ahh I see

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I gotta say I’m so happy I got to see so many of you and other friends before, during, and after summerfest. Really felt the love from everyone. The show being cancelled would’ve put a damper on the night, but the hangs were top notch!!


Emotions like this comment is what I believe makes life worth living! Glad you had a blast Spencer

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That’s what’s it’s all about man :grin:

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Attachments>Bad Friday a real solid segment!


They should only bring Kanika on stage to play this from now on. The first time I haven’t been annoyed by her sit-in.

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This Bad Friday is the best version of the song they’ve played in years (I know I said that about Raleigh from this year, but I like this one even better.) Both the Joel-led dark 1st half of the jam and the very locked in BB/Jake interplay at the 2nd half of the jam are top notch. Also consider that it’s 15 minutes unfinished and segues into Wizard and you’ll realize it has indeed gone too type 2 to bother finishing by the end :slight_smile: Excellent festival set. Attachments and the uplifting Hiccup are great too.


It was a great Summerfest show which they seem to have a few good ones from this festival over the years. Hopefully they come back right away next year and play Pabst. They always play solid shows in Milwaukee now if they would come back sooner then 3 years would be nice.


@DiabetesCOLE the date on this should be 6/22/24


Haha…can’t believe nobody noticed this for 8 days :man_facepalming:


Nope, it was totally right and then mods edited to make the format right but goofed the date. As a HISTORIAN I DONT FUCK UP DATES. They also goofed up my silly naming of big top tent boi, cause who knows how to spell She-tawk-whauu


P.S.- I did totally fuck up the format for the 3 shows tho


Threy’re not even a real country, anyway