2024/06/20 - The District - Sioux Falls, SD

Gurgle>pig >decent jam. Fancy*>exampke 1 FUCK YEAH. Looks > out of order>sim skin

Mantis(no jam)>draconian>huuuuge jam>end draco>end mantis>kimble (oh my heart!), Higgins >wallets worth>it’s about that time intro>belive the lie

Encore; I want YOU! (she’s so heavy….hevaaaaayyyyyyyy!)

*pony leading jam chord structure via handsl
Note: First show in South Dakota!


Example short but awesome

Def a pony setlist. Jam in looks, let’s see where it goes

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Evidently it was Gurgle for the intro! How excite, that’s one of the OG intros. Thats a fun setlist, how are the yams??

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This looks is crunching hard. Best so far. Fancy was fine. They’re gearing up hard tho

I’m second row and energy is so high. That looks might be on my “favs of the run” playlist

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Out of order

Thats good to hear. Pony led jam is very encouraging, like the days of yore&when. Love a good Looks(jo) > OoO?! That’s so Pony, so Looks was unfinished?

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Fancy and looks unfinished.

I’m going to send it to bayfield tmrw


Doeeit! Enjoy this trip man, that’s a gorgeous part of the country


Love that you are sending it to Bayfield!

Bummed they played OoO tonight.


Skin is spooky techno cowboy

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Let it ride boys

You’re a maniac, bud…Holy smokes!! I wish I had it in me to put this much time and effort into a week+ of shows at this point in life. Be safe on that drive way up to Bayfield. That’s quite a hike.


Love ya bruh


Og Barrymore similar skin vocal stew still the best

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Solid set. Song choice was right up my alley. Looks and example 1 my favs, skin had that cool techno cowboy thing that they a-bort-ed, but still pretty solid. B+ set 1


Calling a 1348 opener

lol dude being a big ol butthol and still this girls spot

God damn this draconian is dancy

Ugh I hope they end fancy this eventually


This Draco is easily top 3 of the run. Incredible stuff

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