2021/06/30 - Showtime at the Drive-In - Frederick, MD

It did and it was sweet.

2015 was pretty great for M2M before they semi-shelved it. Love the 6/26/15 version

Love that song.

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Half Delayed > N2F sounds like it would work really nicely


Guitar gate sit in?? Milestone event?? I’d say yes


It was well done imo

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Yeah I’ve never understood the hate for Make it Right. Even better that they jammed it.


It was written by UM post Mantis.

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I was extremely high the second time they played it and I thought they were doing instrumental video game music until the lyrics kicked in.

I just think that main riff is kind of cheesy. I don’t mind the sadboi Bayliss verses though

Definitely pro-Make it right, especially if they start jamming it out some. I thought the break to jam and the transition back was so seamless for a first time. Such a nature spot for it. Also, the original version in Wally is so damn good.

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Though both of its origin jams predate Mantis, for whatever that’s worth.

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I like Make It Right. Band has way worse songs than that.

Make it Right is just the “new” peeps. I dig it

But you don’t like BTL so your opinion is invalid

And all these points we’ve argued
We still agree on some


Make It Right is fantastic but Peeps is a top 5 song.

sounds like you’ve never been topped off during a peeps ending.


I always bunched Make it Right in with the raw stewages that were generally acclaimed. Never made the peeps comparison but now I totally agree. Could turn into an August type song to see at a show if it stays opened up.

That reminds me of when @gatroe topped me off at levon helm studios